Since April 2022, LALA is running a small artist residencies program. The space has a bedroom, a fully equipped kitchen, wi-fi, hot water, a first aid kit and overall the house is adapted to the needs of hosting guests. If you would like to become a resident of LALA, please send a message here.
James Moore is a multidisciplinary artist living and working in Tarndanya (so-called Adelaide) on the stolen lands of Kaurna Country (so-called Australia) and a Masters graduate of Fine Art at RMIT University. During their residency in Lala, they worked on a project titled “Κατοχικό Σύνδρομο” (Occupation Syndrome), where they interviewed and photographed ten queer and gender-diverse individuals residing in Athens.
The space houses an archive, but also often hosts the outsider avant-drag artist Veronique Tromokratisch herself, who lived in the house for four years before moving out of Athens. Veronique Tromokratisch was born in a small town of exiled artists in 1983 (indigo kid). She likes poetic deconstruction and internal revolutions, pop art and shenanigans, she is a self-destructive poor girl, fashion terrorist, ex-human, painter, poet, priestess and whore + gemini.
Sophia Efstathiou works in philosophy of science, ethics of technology and art-based approaches to philosophy and responsible research and innovation (RRI). She has worked as an “embedded philosopher” in different interdisciplinary science projects, including in complexity science, systems biology, and biotechnology. She is interested in stimulating and exercising response-ability in science, through humanities and arts resources.
AiMARK is a nonbinary poetry system based in the US and the UK. Its work seeks to push the boundaries of human and artificial memory, highlight new translations and evolve queer forms of reproduction.
Aimée Lê is a Vietnamese-American artist; Her work focuses on untranslatability, conceptual excess, authorial control and the ‘anecdotal’ through the lens of internationalism.
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