If drag exposes the performativity/artificiality of gender can plant-based meats produce new definitions of ‘realness’ when it comes to food? Learning from queer and feminist politics, Real/Fake/Drag/Meat messes with definitions of ‘natural’ and ‘fake’ while maintaining a playful attitude. LALA presents the artistic research collaboration between Chicks on Speed and the project MEATigation, led by Sophia Efstathiou, this month’s resident of our space. In this occasion, Sophia will present her research, while there will be screenings of video art and documentation from the exhibition MOREMEATLESSMEAT… curated by Chicks on Speed and the Center for Genomic Gastronomy, a sneak peak of the new Chicks on Speed video and song “Meat as Drag” feat. Kangela Tromokratisch and finally a discussion with Alex Murray Leslie on the value of artistic research collaborations as part of meeting grand societal challenges, like climate change.